Mean Girls (The Musical)

I went to see this movie with one of my very close friends today, and being a theater kid myself, I was very excited. However, it is a sad truth that nothing will ever be able to re-create the first. I knew going into it that I may not end up liking the film, especially since I don’t exactly favor the musical, but I was willing to put that behind me and see what it had in store. I was, in fact, pleasantly surprised. The film attempted to praise the awesomeness of the first movie with a few shot-for-shot scenes, which I strongly appreciate. And it included some amazing cinematographic moments. But, sadly, it fell flat when it came to characters

When it came down to it, the movie changed a lot of the original character’s backgrounds and aspirations. For example, Gretchen Weiners, who in the first film was Vietnamese, is now Latina. My only issue with the change is that it simply…wasn’t necessary. But the character who felt the most flat was Regina herself! Throughout the movie, we saw more of Karen and Gretchen than we did of THE Regina George. It seemed as if they had cut many of her lines and iconic moments, and in the end, we were just left with a blonde she-devil. This is quite depressing considering she is supposed to be the “queen bee” of the story.

Though the film had its faults, it still managed to keep me entertained the entire time. Most of the music was amazing and it was filled with fantastic camera shots! While watching, I did not once consider getting out of my seat.

In the end, I think this film is great for anyone looking to see a modern re-telling of the iconic original. Or, any quirky theater kid looking for a good time. But, to anyone who’s hoping to watch a film that can revive the same wit and genius of the first one, I do not think this is the movie for you.

By Eliza